A close-up lens (or diopter) enables the camera to focus closer than it normally can. While stacking bunches of close-ups can give you some great shots with good magnification, stacking more than 2-3 lenses might not be really worth it.
There is a technique involving reversing a lens to gain magnification. It is sometimes even called “a poor man’s macro”. If you’re a happy camera owner and are interested in macro photography you might wanna check these books: John Shaw’s Closeups in Nature (Practical Photography Books)
Fly’s Eyes

(Image credits: ~jjjohn~ via:villageofjoy.com)
Another Fly

(Image credits: kevincollins123 via:villageofjoy.com)
Wow, someone likes eating at Mc’Donalds.
And Another….

(Image credits: Pedro Moura Pinheiro via:villageofjoy.com)
Electron Micrograph of Fly’s Eyes

(Image credits: Shirin Pocha via:villageofjoy.com)
A scanning electron micrograph of a close-up of a Drosophila fly’s eye. The structure of the eye, similar to many other insects, is termed a compound eye and is one of the most precise and ordered patterns in Biology.
Those things in their eyes looks like spear-heads! Have anyone of you tried touching fly’s eyes? You would probably start bleeding.
Dragonfly (Common Darter)

(Image credits: macropoulos via:villageofjoy.com)
Dragonfly (Common Darter)

(Image credits: macropoulos via:villageofjoy.com)
Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) male

(Image credits: macropoulos via:villageofjoy.com)
Dragonfly (Crying?)

(Image credits: timitalia via:villageofjoy.com)
Poor little guy.. Who did it to you?
Face of a Southern Yellowjacket Queen (Vespula squamosa)

(Image credits: Opo Terser via:villageofjoy.com)
This one is so perfect, my favorite one! such a beauty…
Blue Banded Bee

(Image credits: aussiegall via:villageofjoy.com)
A Solitary Bee’s Eye

(Image credits: kevincollins123 via:villageofjoy.com)

Jumping Spiders Close-ups

(Image credits: Opo Terser via:villageofjoy.com)

(Image credits: Opo Terser via:villageofjoy.com)

(Image credits: Opo Terser via:villageofjoy.com)

(Image credits: teejaybee via:villageofjoy.com)
Human Eyes

(Image credits: ►Voj► via:villageofjoy.com)

(Image credits: C. Young Photography via:villageofjoy.com)
Just look at those strange patters in human’s eyes. Weird, huh? Our eyes are not as solid as I thought they were.
(Image credits: OntCopper)
(Image credits: Jessie Whittle via:villageofjoy.com)
What the?? Is this his eyes? Because it seems so 2D.
Frog’s Eye

(Image credits: ToniVC via:villageofjoy.com)
Cat’s Eye

(Image credits: Marcos Teixeira de Freitas via:villageofjoy.com)
House Ant

(Image credits: Pedro Moura Pinheiro via:villageofjoy.com)
Ant Lion

(Image credits: Budslife “busy” via:villageofjoy.com)
“Disco night at the Ant Lion nest!” (comment by GoldenGlovez from Digg)
PS.: If you enjoyed this post, you can find more eye macros here: 20 Incredible Eye Macros (part of them were used in this article)