Weather too good to stay home. Hm, Tinkerfest looks good. 1 of my all-time fave artists Randy Regier is there?!
[later]There he is! (Written using only 132 characters.)
He made a functioning guy on a rocket out of an old thermos and a shower rod!
He handed out posters that he designed for the event!
The launch station was adorned with cool 50s looking toys!
(I use a lot of exclamation marks in my tweets too. You know, just to keep the energy up.)
Kids set target & calibrate the launcher. Randy sent Chuck sailing. I got to talk w/ Randy! He has new art nearby, but it's best after dark!
Now we had time to kill until nightfall. So we went to the Walmart museum where the first store was located.
They have old product packaging on display. Walmart brand dog food from the 70s!
They recreated Sam Walton's actual office as it looked when he died!...
They have his pickup truck on display too...
There's a kiddie ride version out front! (Plus a scarecrow on the bench over there!)
Got a Hot Wheels version in the gift shop! Plus a 70s truck postcard! (Would comment on corporate greed but there aren't enough characters lef
Still not dark. Time to go to TARGET! (With no ironic intent.)
Please excuse hazy phone photography.
Nice signage as always...

You don't see a ton of substantial Halloween owls these days either. Plus these could probably scare away birds year round. Congrats on Official Pick status!
So appealing. All of these are still my "official picks" (but not the gel blood. I have to show some discernment)...
All of these too...

And these...
The official "picks list" 2014 is now over, but these are so fun to look at...
Maybe these skulls will make my "official pick list" next year. You never can tell.
Enormous pumpkin containers! Should they have been an "official" pick? I suppose it's too late now.
And now my official pick for "Official Best 'Best Costume' Trophy Pick of 2014" of the year award...
Finally dark outside. Time for ART! There it is sitting in a public alley, NuPenny's Last Stand, by Randy Regier!

There seems to be a Yeti flying the saucer!...
There is some sort of secret code that goes with it all!
It was late, but after seeing these doughnuts a billion times, everywhere I go on the internet, I had to visit Krispy Kreme!
It was the perfect ending to a great day! #HalloweenIsTheBestEver!!!