10 People Who Fell Asleep At The Worst Possible Time

The airline passenger who fell asleep with his finger on slash key

The airline passenger who fell asleep with his finger on slash key
We know that poor ventilation can sometimes leave airline passengers feeling sleepy. One busy traveler drifted off on his flight, but not before he took his finger off his laptop keyboard.

A video uploaded on YouTube showing the sleeping man with his finger stuck pushing the "////////////" key on his keyboard went viral, and has been watched almost 1,000,000 times since it was posted. Entitled “Dude sleeping on jet w/finger on slash key,” it was apparently shot by his seat mate.


The Norwegian tourist who fell asleep on an airport baggage belt

The Norwegian tourist who fell asleep on an airport baggage belt
Rome's Fiumicino Airport security procedures were under fire after a drunk Norwegian tourist fell asleep on a baggage belt and travelled 160 feet before being identified by an X-ray scanner.

The unnamed 36-year-old arrived at the international terminal of Italy's busiest airport in 2012 with a backpack and a can of beer in his hand.

The Norwegian was due to check in for a flight to Oslo. When he found no one on duty at the airline desk, he leapt across the counter and fell into a deep asleep on the baggage belt with his bag beside him. As the belt began to move the unsuspecting tourist reportedly travelled for 15 minutes through the secure baggage area in Terminal 3 before officials spotted his body curled up in a fetal position in an X-ray image on their monitors. He slept through the whole episode and airport police had trouble waking him when they were called to the scene to investigate what had happened. (Source)

The judge who fell asleep during a rape trial

The judge who fell asleep during a rape trial
A rape case collapsed after a senior judge was accused of snoozing while an alleged child abuse victim was giving evidence. Recorder Philip Cattan, a respected Manchester barrister who sits as a judge part-time, was seen to ‘nod off' as the under-aged victim answered questions from the defense.

Concerned the 65-year-old judge had fallen asleep at a crucial point in the case, barristers said they wanted to raise a "point of law." While the jury was out of the room, the judge was confronted with the claim that he had slept through part of the cross-examination of the witness, who was giving evidence via videolink because of her age.

The incident was witnessed by the family of the alleged victim in the trial of John Quigley, which was expected to last five days. The decision was then taken to abandon the trial.

The girl giving evidence was the first of two youngsters expected to testify that they were abused as little girls in offenses spanning from 2006 to 2013. She will now have to give evidence a second time when the case is re-listed. (Source)

The Comcast technician who fell asleep on a customer's couch while on hold with the company's central office

The Comcast technician who fell asleep on a customer's couch while on hold with the company's central office
A Comcast technician went to replace a faulty modem. After spending an hour on hold with Comcast's central office, he fell asleep on the client's couch. Customer Brian Finkelstein of Washington, D.C., posted a video of the sleeping technician and told this story on YouTube.com

Comcast was not amused and fired the guy. They also fixed the customer's problem.


The drunk student who fell asleep on a radiator then woke to find his arm melted to it

The drunk student who fell asleep on a radiator then woke to find his arm melted to it
A drunken student fell asleep on a radiator and woke to find his arm melted to it. The reveler went out for a Christmas binge with some old mates. He admitted overdoing it, and when he got back to his digs he fell asleep slumped against the cold radiator.

While he slept, the central heating system turned on, and the hapless drunk slumbered for hours before being woken by searing pain in his left arm. The 21-year-old found his skin fused to the searing-hot radiator, and he had to painfully peel himself off.

An engineering student from Plymouth, Devon, took himself to a hospital where he received specialist burn treatment but is still carrying the scars of his ordeal. (Source)

The Fox News reporter who fell asleep during a live broadcast

The Fox News reporter who fell asleep during a live broadcast
During a Fox News segment to mark Super Tuesday in 2012, the presenter on duty was utterly flummoxed when he went live to the US capital only to find that his reporter had dozed off. For many Americans, Super Tuesday was an exciting, thrill-a-minute affair full of twists and turns. Not for reporter Doug Luzader however.

The Fox presenter said, "Well, Super Tuesday is in the rear-view mirror, and the results show a little something for everybody.
‘Doug Luzader is live on the scene with an update on all of this. Doug, good morning, good to see you. I guess six, three, one is pretty much the way it breaks down?' It soon became clear from the broadcast picture that Luzader had in fact fallen asleep.

The presenter's attempts to awaken him proved fruitless before he finally admitted defeat by saying "I guess not." The broadcast did take place at 5:31 am local time, which could explain Luzader's need for 40 winks.

Republican candidate Mitt Romney certainly wasn't caught napping, as he managed to win the important Ohio vote as well as capturing some other vital states.


The baggage handler who fell asleep in airplane cargo hold and woke up mid flight

The baggage handler who fell asleep in airplane cargo hold and woke up mid flight
In April 2015, a baggage handler for Alaska Airlines fell asleep in the cargo area of the plane and began yelling and pounding on the walls when he awoke.

The passengers and crew of Alaska Airlines Flight 448 bound for Los Angeles heard screams and banging noises coming from the cargo hold after takeoff. The passengers were told that the plane would return to the airport, and they would be informed of the reason later. The employee spent 14 minutes in the pressurized, climate controlled cargo hold and was taken to a local hospital when the plane landed. (Source)

The man who was found asleep on pile of stolen cash after a shop raid

The man who was found asleep on pile of stolen cash after a shop raid
A Dublin man was found asleep on a pile of stolen cash with his accomplice after an armed robbery of a pharmacy. Luke Curry, 25, held open the security door of the shop while his accomplice entered. The other man was masked and carrying a kitchen knife.

The staff in the pharmacy said they were in fear during the robbery, in which €400 was stolen. As a result of inquiries and a local tip-off later that day, police went to a house near the pharmacy. They looked through a window of the house and saw the two suspects sleeping on a couch.

Police entered the house and had to wake the men up. They found €275 of the stolen cash in a pile under where they were lying and arrested both men. Curry was too intoxicated to be interviewed, but later claimed he was in the pharmacy for innocent reasons. (Source)

The burglar who broke into a house and fell asleep on a couch during the robbery

The burglar who broke into a house and fell asleep on a couch during the robbery
If you thought that being caught sleeping after a robbery was bad timing, wait until you hear this story – police in Sarasota, Florida arrested a man that broke into a home and fell asleep on the couch.

In May 2015, a resident woke up and found 29-year-old Timothy Bontrager sleeping on her living room couch. When she asked Bontrager what he was doing in her house, he apologized and left after she told him she was calling police.

Bontrager had entered through an unlocked sliding glass door in the back of the house. The woman then noticed her wallet, driver's license, credit and debit cards, as well as checks, were missing from the table in the living room.

The suspect was found walking along a nearby road. He was transported to the Sarasota County Jail without incident. (Source 1 | Source 2)

The drunk duo who were tossed into a garbage truck after falling asleep inside a dumpster

The drunk duo who were tossed into a garbage truck after falling asleep inside a dumpster
Talk about getting trashed. Two wasted people who fell asleep inside a Wawa dumpster in Tampa, Florida, after a rowdy night at a nearby casino, were tossed into the back of a garbage truck.

The shocked driver, who was starting his route when he heard yelling and banging on the back of his vehicle, pulled over about 5 a.m. and found Donald Jordan, 37, and Lisa Sirbella, 49, trapped in the back of his truck.

The boozy duo appeared “really intoxicated,” and were resting in the dumpster after hitting the slots, according to police. They were rescued by emergency responders and taken to Tampa General Hospital, where they were treated for back pain, the sheriff's office said. They were not homeless, as cops initially believed. (Source)

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