14 Adorable Animal Instagram Accounts

Tuna Melts My Heart (The Chiweenie)

Tuna Melts My Heart (The Chiweenie)
Judging from his severe overbite and wrinkled skin, Tuna is probably another victim of irresponsible breeding. Luckily, however, his story doesn't have a tragic ending.

Tuna was found abandoned by the side of the road in San Diego. Scared and submissive, he was taken in by Courtney Dasher, who only intended to keep him as a briefly, but instantly fell in love with him and foster failed. Today, Tuna has 1.3 million Instagram followers and all sorts of merchandise available including a book detailing his journey. (Source)

Jimmy Choo (The Bull Terrier)

Jimmy Choo (The Bull Terrier)
When artist Rafael Mantesso was a little boy, he always dreamed of owning a bull terrier. As an adult, he found a best friend in a pup named Jimmy Choo (after the famous shoe brand).

Mantesso's artistic flair and his dog's love for the camera naturally led to the artist creating dozens of hilarious doodles for his personal Instagram account. (Source)

Yogurt (The Chihuahua)

Yogurt (The Chihuahua)
Yogurt the Pirate is an 8-year-old Chihuahua who hails from Bangkok, Thailand. She is missing an eye and sticks out her tongue (hence "the pirate" part of her name) and is an Instagram sensation with 116,000 followers.

Hamilton The Hipster Cat

Hamilton The Hipster Cat
He's cooler than you and sports the perfect moustache without any effort whatsoever. Meet Hamilton The Hipster Cat.

Hamilton, like many other animals on this list, is a rescue kitty. He has over 210,000 Instagram followers and has even done a music video for Friskies. We have to wonder – does he a have a closet full of ironic t-shirts? (Source)

Baby Animals

Baby Animals
Who doesn't love animals of all shapes and sizes? From the domestic to the exotic, Babyanmls features every adorable newborn animal out there, from otters to armadillos.

Booboo (The Guinea Pig)

Booboo (The Guinea Pig)
Booboo, an adorable guinea pig, is the muse of a photographer who goes by the nickname “Lieveheerbeestje.” Her photos of little Booboo and her friends look like professional fashion shots for Guinea Pig Vogue: they wear hipster glasses, bathe in pink tubs, pose with cute fluffy rabbit ears and wear ribbons in their hair.

Booboo weighs about 1kg and is about two years old. Her favorite food is chicory and carrots, and she loves to spend her days eating, sleeping and posing for the camera. When asked how she manages to capture Booboo and her other guinea pigs sitting so still, the photographer explained, that her animals are very calm: “they just don't move a lot in front of the camera, I guess I am lucky with that!” (Source)

Lil Bub

Lil Bub
Lil Bub was the runt of a feral litter and is also a rescue, according to her owner, Mike Bridavsky.

She has a pronounced case of dwarfism, which makes her legs disproportionately stubby, and osteopetrosis, a rare disease that causes a typically debilitating bone density. She has four extra toes, one on each foot, and an underdeveloped lower jaw, which causes her tongue to droop perpetually. She's also a “perma-kitten,” meaning she'll remain her current size of four pounds for the rest of her life.

She is, however, healthy, happy, has her own line of merchandise, and a whopping 743,000 Instagram followers. (Source | Photo)

Choupette (The Siamese)

Choupette (The Siamese)
Designer Karl Lagerfeld's cherished Siamese cat, Choupette, lives better than most humans. The feline diva has personal maids to attend to her every need and document her every move, a personal iPad, access to a chauffeur-driven car, four-piece silver table settings, and a jet to whisk her away at any given moment. Even more reasons to be jealous of Choupette – she now has her own makeup line and book! (Source)

Digby & Aloysius Van Winkle (The Brussels Griffons)

Digby & Aloysius Van Winkle (The Brussels Griffons)
Digby & Aloysius Van Winkle are Brussels Griffons living in Wellington, New Zealand. They have over 300,000 Instagram followers, and a myriad of the cutest costumes we've ever seen!

The Rich Dogs Of Instagram

The Rich Dogs Of Instagram
Kaylin Pound started The Rich Dogs of Instagram in February 2015 as a parody account to The Rich Kids of Instagram. She said when she started the account, which features pictures of dogs appearing to live exorbitant lifestyles, she just aggregated pictures she found. But now, "thanks to all of the people that have been sending me images, I am now strictly posting submissions," she says.

Despite the show of wealth, The Rich Dogs of Instagram account has a charitable side. "Since it has gained so much press attention in such a short time, I decided that I wanted to use it for something other than a good laugh, so I am teaming up with Posh Pets Rescue in New York City to help them spread the word about giving back to dogs that aren't as fortunate as The Rich Dogs of Instagram," Pound said. (Source)

Sam (The Turkish Van)

Sam (The Turkish Van)
Sam, a Turkish Van cat, has the perpetually furrowed brow of a worrier on his face because of his unusual markings.

His owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, rescued the stray cat from the mean streets of New York. He currently has 163,000 Instagram followers. (Source)

Niku (The Pug)

Niku (The Pug)
What do we know about Niku, the little black pug we discovered on Instagram? Not much. Unfortunately, we don't read Japanese, but we do know she's never worn the same adorable outfit twice!

Snoopy Babe (Exotic Shorthair)

Snoopy Babe (Exotic Shorthair)
Snoopy Babe is a male Exotic Shorthair, who hails from China and is an Instagram sensation due to his extremely flat face.

Rylai (The Fox)

Rylai (The Fox)
Say hello to Rylai — a 5-week-old domesticated red fox that dazzles everyone with her striking "marble white" fur and bright pink nose. She"comes from generations of pet lines and would not be able to survive in the wild," and her anonymous owner does "not promote pulling animals from their natural habitats to be sold as pets." Regardless, you are free to follow her Instagram account for more on her daily adventures. (Source)

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