26 Of The Most Epic Senior Pranks Of All Time

1. “We had our principal arrested.”

26 Of The Most Epic Senior Pranks Of All Time
YouTube: Dave Barry / Via youtube.com
“The seniors had our principal arrested with the help of our school security, and werecorded it all.” The officer managed to convince the principal that his motorcycle was stolen property and that, since he was claiming ownership of it, he would have to go to the station — in handcuffs — and answer some questions.

2. “We reshaped the shrubs spelling ‘BEARS’ into ‘PENIS.’”


3. “Seniors staged the barricade scene from Les Mis.”

"Seniors staged the barricade scene from Les Mis."
Universal Pictures
“We went to a tiny school that had a room with couches and things that you had to go through before you got to the classrooms. We got there early, stacked up all the furniture to make a barricade to block the entrance, held French flags, and played the Les Mis soundtrack whenever someone tried to get past us.”

4. “We covered the hallway in cups of water so no one could walk.”


5. “We set hidden alarm clocks to go off in two-minute intervals.”

"We set hidden alarm clocks to go off in two-minute intervals."
Jeb Efird / Getty Images
“Our school always held its staff meetings in the library at the same time each week, so all the seniors brought in alarm clocks, hid them throughout the library, and set them to go off at about 2-minute intervals. The entire meeting was derailed because by the time they’d found one, the next one was going off.”
—Angelica Pendleton, Facebook

6. “The senior class posted fake penis inspection flyers around the school.”

“We posted these fake flyers around school. The teachers and principal were very angry, and the freshman were scared that it was real.”

7. “We let pigs loose in the school.”

"We let pigs loose in the school."
Fuse / Getty Images
“Someone let three energetic pigs loose in our high school. Each pig had a number painted on its side with non-toxic paint. Their numbers were one, two, and four. It took the staff almost four hours to realize there were only three pigs.”
—Liz Hatfield, Facebook

8. “The seniors put a VW Bug on the gym roof.”

"The seniors put a VW Bug on the gym roof."
The Stinger, Herndon High School / Via washingtonpost.com
“The parents of one of the guys I graduated with owned a construction company. He and a few friends ‘borrowed’ a crane and put a VW Bug on the gym roof.”

9. “The seniors rented a petting zoo.”

“The seniors rented a petting zoo and put it on campus during lunch.”

10. “We led six cows up to the top floor.”

"We led six cows up to the top floor."
“My school is six stories, and we led cows up to the sixth floor. Well, cows go up stairs but not down, so they had to take the cows down in the elevator one at a time.”

11. “The seniors filled the pool with Jell-O.”

"The seniors filled the pool with Jell-O."
4774344sean / Getty Images
“The seniors filled the swimming pool with Jell-O. It had to be drained.”
—Sarah Stultz, Facebook

12. “We drove this car into the school and parked it in the lobby.”


13. “We brought a camel to our school for our last hump day.”

14. “We busted out of there.”

"We busted out of there."
Amber L.
“We bought a bunch of cheap bras at the thrift store and hung them up all over the senior patio, thanking the school for the support. Oh, and then we had a water balloon and shaving cream fight in the parking lot!”

15. “Seniors hired a mariachi band to follow our principal around.”

“The seniors hired a mariachi band to follow the principal around for the entire school day. Everywhere he went, everything he said was set to a festive soundtrack.”

16. “The whole senior class brought their dogs to school.”


17. “Some guys set up a (root) beer pong table on the quad.”

“I went to a Catholic high school, so the rules were pretty strict. Two guys from my class went to the quad and set up a root beer pong table and started playing. Well, within minutes, most of the faculty was all over them and shutting it down. It turns out it was a diversion for an epic food fight in the cafeteria!”

18. “We turned the parking lot into a beach!”

"We turned the parking lot into a beach!"
Rachel K.
“A bunch of seniors got to school at about 5 a.m. and brought in tons of sand, a kiddie pool, lawn chairs, a volleyball net, and a booming stereo.”

19. “We stacked steel-belted tires on the flag pole.”

"We stacked steel-belted tires on the flag pole."
Mark Bruhl / Getty Images
“The seniors stacked steel-belted tires on the flag pole. Since they couldn’t be cut off, they had to be lifted off one by one.”

20. “We cemented an old VW Bug around the flag pole.”

"We cemented an old VW Bug around the flag pole."
Cat W.
“My senior class bought an old VW Beetle, removed the seats, rolled it onto campus in the middle of the night, managed to put it around the flag pole in the middle of the quad, and then filled it with cement!”

21. “We filled the teachers’ lounge to the ceiling with balloons.”

“When I graduated high school, we got the keys to the teachers lounge from one of the cool secretaries and, since the room was about the size of a college dorm, we filled it to the top with balloons. We then left a poster that said ‘Enjoy’ with safety pins taped to it.”

22. “The seniors turned the hallway into a slip-n-slide.”


23. “We turned the school into a campground.”

Rebecca M.
“We camped out in front of the school in our tents, had a water pong table going, and Saran-wrapped and TP’d everything.”

24. “We brought the outside in.”

“We had AstroTurf lining our entire hallway. We set up huge tree branches and plants throughout the hall, and we had working fountains. We blasted music, and we set up umbrellas and beach chairs. None of us went to class all day; we just enjoyed ourselves with kiddie pools and a volleyball/badminton net.”

25. “A senior changed the locks on the school doors before any teachers got in for the day.”

"A senior changed the locks on the school doors before any teachers got in for the day."
Cynthia Farmer / Getty Images
“He had the only key!”

26. “They built a jungle gym and put it in the middle of the lunchroom.”

"They built a jungle gym and put it in the middle of the lunchroom."
Paul Vinten / Getty Images
“The seniors built a full-size jungle gym and stuck it in the middle of our lunchroom. The best part is that they’re donating the set to a school that can’t afford playground equipment this weekend.”

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