TRICK OR TREAT BAG FROM 1994 Here's a something for all you 1990s kids out there. This trick or treat bag comes from 1994! Remember kids, "Winners play it safe!" Related Posts: 11 Nutritionists Reveal What They Order At Popular Food Chains1977 MONSTER READING ACHIEVEMENT CERTIFICATEHALLOWEEN WALLPAPER: MONSTER ON THE CAMPUSTake 12 Minutes For a Tough Tabata WorkoutHow to Make New Friends (and Keep the Old) as a Young AdultJames Foley Execution Video Took White House By SurpriseFOUND PHOTO: GHOUL MAMAH.R. GIGER SCREENSAVER FROM THE MID-90SVegan Double Fudge Brownies With a Secret IngredientFOMO Is Making Teens Terrible Drivers Tweet