"What sorts of things do you tweet about?" you might ask. Well, nobody would ever really ask that. To answer your question, I tweet found links, current happenings, and some 'secret fun' type photos. Here are some of the photos I was talking about in that last sentence...

Treasures of which lost temples? Oh, THOSE lost temples.
On occasion I'll type a sentence or two that I think is amusing. Then later I'll realize how unamusing it is and delete it. Here are some that I haven't deleted yet.
"Weather.com says that it's the "Anniversary of Deadliest Tornado." Happy anniversary tornado!"
"Whenever something bad happens to me I mentally hear the sound of Pac-Man dying."
"Tickling is like a God-given child Taser."
"I've always been a firm believer that the quality of a cassette deck can be measured by how slowly it ejects."
"Another Friday the 13th, sigh. I'm dreading the day when I must finally tell my son that there's no such thing as Jason."
Now that I've shown you my "A" material, here's that link to my Twitter page again.
I can't believe I do this for free!